Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Legend of....... Sgt. Pepper!?! Part1 The Journey Begins

One day Sgt. pepper was playing video games ( Legend of Zelda : Phamtom hourglass) when Mrs. and Mr. know-it-all said"Go outside and be active,"  so he did.

he grab a shield,boomerang,bomb pack,bombs,a shovel, and a hour glass.
And all-of-a-sudden, HE WAS LINK (toon link) that's when the journey beigns.

charging to battle:

hhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya. cuts a redead (a zombie you can't kill.)in half and ran a way.
entering the fire temple, a zombie jumps on him, he takes a water gun from nowhere(not a gun with bullets, humor of the day.) and shoots him on the face! then it gets pure, black dark.

To Be Continue......